Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Best Movies of 2012

As I've lamented many a time, I live in a place where I must travel by van for an hour to go to a cinema. This cinema usually, but not always, has one English language movie showing. Typically these are the big blockbuster action or cartoon movies. Dvds other than porn are difficult to find. So to feed my cinophilia, I do what any internet user in my situation would do, download for free. I've been here about a year  now and in that time have watched about 100 movies. I try to stay up with current releases but it's more difficult to acquire recent releases than older ones. I've managed to see quite few of the 2012 movies with the exception of the ones I want to see the most such as "Cloud Atlas", "The Master", "Life of Pi", "Flight", and "Zero Dark Thirty". So here are the faves of the ones I've seen. In no particular order.

Beasts of the Southern Wild
The Queen of Versailles
The Comedy
Saftey Not Guaranteed
Being Flynn
Moonrise Kingdom